Home Visits
In the comfort of your home, the lactation consultant with meet with you and baby and anyone else you choose to have at the visit to help with support. These visits could last anywhere between an hour and 90 minutes.
The Consultant will do a health assessment of mom and baby and assess breastfeeding challenges and needs. She will help you to develop a feeding strategy and goals to make this successful for you and your baby. She will observe a full feeding while guiding you and making any adjustments you need or want. She will answer any questions you have and then develop a written plan and assessment that the mom/family can have to maintain success with breastfeeding. The home visit also includes a follow up either by phone or email the next day to be sure things are on track.
After the home visit a report will be sent to the OB/GYN and the Pediatrician to let them know your plan and what was accomplished during this visit.
For home visits with twins, triplets, etc. the length of the visit will change and average about 2 hrs in length.
For tips on How to Prepare for a Home Visit please go to our Resource Tab
The Breastfeeding Center of Maryland DOES take some insurances!! If we don’t take your insurance we are happy to give you documentation of the visit for you to submit directly to your insurance company for possible reimbursement.
To provide comprehensive breastfeeding support and comfort to mother and baby so that both have the best possible start.

2301 Research Blvd. Suite 115
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (301) 355-3280
10301 Georgia Ave #106
Silver Spring, MD 20902
Phone: (301) 938-6342
Copyright 2024: The Breastfeeding Center of Maryland | Designed and Maintained by DDSystems