How to Prepare for a Home Visit
Don’t clean!
- As lactation consultants, our focus is on mom and baby. We won’t be looking at the piles of laundry or dishes in the sink. Leave the tidying up for the in-laws and even then wait at least a month…
- PJs are totally ok! Just wear a top with easy access so you won’t have to worry about it getting in the way of your breastfeeding efforts.
- Or ask us before the visit if we mind the pets being out. Sometimes dogs and cats are so friendly they want to be in middle of the consult. Although Rover and Mr. Whiskers are cute, they can be a distraction for momma, and we want you to feel relaxed throughout the consult and not concerned about the pets sniffing out the new visitors and their strange bags. 🙂
- But don’t hold off a feeding if your baby is hungry before we arrive. They are usually willing to eat again. It’s helpful if you can text us when you expect the baby to feed next, and we may be able to adjust our schedule around the feeding!
- Decide where you will be most comfortable breastfeeding, couch, recliner, bed, and have pillows, burp cloth, receiving blanket and a bottle of water within reach.
- Don’t try to remember them, your new mom brain won’t let you. Take a couple of minutes the day of the consult to make a list of questions and concerns you may have. We won’t leave until we know that you have had all of your questions addressed.
- Feel free to ask ahead of time the specifics about fees and payment methods so it’s not a source of worry and surprise for you at the conclusion of the visit. You or preferably your partner may also want to contact your insurance company to see if any of our services are reimbursable to you or can be applied to a flex spending account.
- If you are using a pump at the time of the consult, have it available for us to look at so we can make sure the fit is good for you and provide you tips for getting the most out of your pumping sessions.
- And ask them if they might be available to listen in on the consult and watch techniques. Having another set of eyes and ears present ensures that when we leave you will feel confident in their ability to give you gentle reminders of the techniques and tips you learned during the consult.
- Plan to have your baby dressed in just a clean diaper and spend a few minutes with her on your chest, heart to heart, before our arrival. Babies who are held in skin to skin just prior to feeding go through a specific set of feeding behaviors which generally enables them to latch and breastfeed more efficiently.
- And give yourself a pat on the back for seeking help. While we can’t always provide an immediate fix (sometimes those magic lactation wands just don’t work), our goal is to leave you with a plan, feeling empowered and more confident to take charge of your breastfeeding journey.

To provide comprehensive breastfeeding support and comfort to mother and baby so that both have the best possible start.

2301 Research Blvd. Suite 115
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (301) 355-3280
10301 Georgia Ave #106
Silver Spring, MD 20902
Phone: (301) 938-6342
2301 Research Blvd. Suite 115
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (301) 355-3280
10301 Georgia Ave #106
Silver Spring, MD 20902
Phone: (301) 938-6342
Copyright 2024: The Breastfeeding Center of Maryland | Designed and Maintained by DDSystems