Our Consultants
Virmarie Marrero, BSN, RN, IBCLC
Virmarie is originally from Puerto Rico but now resides in Westminster and is a school nurse for Carroll County Schools. She worked at a Pediatric office in Rockville until the commute became too much for her. It was during her 5 years as a full-time nurse at the Pediatric office that she discovered her love for helping new moms and babies with breastfeeding. She enjoys giving the emotional support and really being a coach through the process.
Virmarie is a member of the International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA).
Misty Vass, RNC-NIC, IBCLC
Misty is a lactation consultant with 16 years of neonatal experience of the sick and healthy newborn. She recently moved to Maryland from Tennessee for her husband’s job with her two girls, four cats, and a dog. Misty has always loved helping moms breastfeed their babies. After having her daughters and nursing them she decided to become a IBCLC. Misty expresses Through my struggles of nursing I wanted to help other moms after the hospital stay was over. My passion is to help women be successful at providing breastmilk for their babies. A member of United States Lactation Consultant Association
For details on what the different certifications are and What is an IBCLC? please go to our resources page.
To provide comprehensive breastfeeding support and comfort to mother and baby so that both have the best possible start.

2301 Research Blvd. Suite 115
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (301) 355-3280
10301 Georgia Ave #106
Silver Spring, MD 20902
Phone: (301) 938-6342
Copyright 2024: The Breastfeeding Center of Maryland | Designed and Maintained by DDSystems