Pumps & Supplies
We currently offer Medela Symphony Pump Rentals. We can rent by the week if you are waiting for your pump to arrive or by the month. We do not bill insurance for these rentals but we can give you documentation to submit to your insurance directly for reimbursement.
We offer a large selection of breastfeeding supplies to assist you with a successful breastfeeding experience including Medela shields, freezer bags, Gel pads and more.
We offer My Brest Friend pillows for back and shoulder support.
We have the Motherlove line of products for thrush, nipple cream and supplements.
Call us today to talk with a Consultant if you need any products or rentals and we can assist in finding what works best for you and your newborn.
(301) 355-3280

To provide comprehensive breastfeeding support and comfort to mother and baby so that both have the best possible start.

2301 Research Blvd. Suite 115
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (301) 355-3280
10301 Georgia Ave #106
Silver Spring, MD 20902
Phone: (301) 938-6342
Copyright 2024: The Breastfeeding Center of Maryland | Designed and Maintained by DDSystems